Tutorial with Docker

  1. What do you want to simulate? How many simulations?
  2. Create your model.csv and param.txt input files.
  3. Perform a small test simulation.

1. Define your simulation

  1. Draw your model.
  2. Estimate the required resources.
  3. Decide where to run your simulations.

2. Create input files

3. Perform test simulation

a. Pull Docker image

Pull the latest SimPrily Docker image:

docker pull agladstein/simprily

Once you have successfully pulled the image you will see something like this:

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from agladstein/simprily
f49cf87b52c1: Pull complete
7b491c575b06: Pull complete
b313b08bab3b: Pull complete
51d6678c3f0e: Pull complete
09f35bd58db2: Pull complete
f7e0c30e74c6: Pull complete
c308c099d654: Pull complete
339478b61728: Pull complete
d16221c2883e: Pull complete
df211aed0ee8: Pull complete
94afb574a896: Pull complete
b253919783b5: Pull complete
45cb233ca3a5: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1de7a99a23264caa22143db2a63794fa34541ccaf9155b9fb50488b5949a9d7d
Status: Downloaded newer image for agladstein/simprily:latest

Next, double check the images you’ve pulled:

docker image ls

You should see something like this:

REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
agladstein/simprily             latest              1d3fbe956b00        5 hours ago         938MB

b. Run SimPrily

Run one small example with the Docker container

docker run -t -i --mount type=bind,src=/home/agladstein/src/SimPrily,dst=/app agladstein/simprily python /app/simprily.py -p examples/eg1/param_file_eg1.txt -m examples/eg1/model_file_eg1.csv -g genetic_map_b37/genetic_map_GRCh37_chr1.txt.macshs -a array_template/ill_650_test.bed -i 1 -o output_dir -v

You should see something like this:

debug-1: Debug on: Level 1
debug-1: name   total   panel   genotyped
debug-1: A      140     0       140
debug-1: B      20      0       20
debug-1: total samples: 160
debug-1: Perform simulation and get sequences
debug-1: Number of sites in simulation: 10309
debug-1: Calculating summary statistics


Then, you should see a new directory created /home/agladstein/src/SimPrily/output_dir. In that directory, you should see the directories


and the directory results should have the file results_1.txt, which should look something like this:

A       AN_t    B       AB_t    AN      SegS_A_CGI      Sing_A_CGI      Dupl_A_CGI      TajD_A_CGI      SegS_B_CGISing_B_CGI       Dupl_B_CGI      TajD_B_CGI      FST_AB_CGI
29380.6397673   1615.50194862   42155.6351482   2546.95287896   10000.0 9795    3880    1283    -1.30415802172  4360       1690    674     -0.488311472745 0.00115531480069

4. Perform HTC simulations